I find it real interesting reading about how young men and women respond to their first sex in these times. Back when I got married in 1954 sex was very different than today because reliable information on sex and birthcontrol was almost impossible to obtain and most important, reliable birthcontrol simply didn't exist. Back then the facts of married life were that busted condoms were reasonably common, the Pill didn't exist and the Rythm method, Diaphram,Douches and contraceptive jelly for women and withdrawal and the condom were the only methods of protection avaliable. Shortly before I got married my dad gave me this book SUCCESFUL MARRIAGE BY Morris Fishbine and E. Burgess. In the book they state "We are not urging the use of contraceptives but simply pointing out the various problems with their use. They go on to say "We are strongly of the opinion that couples would be far happier as a rule and the marriages will be more stable if a child is conceived early in the marriage" In talking about birthcontrol they stated articulated the reality of the times when they stated"Couples using contraceptives should remember that in all probability the product of a failure will at a later period be the most precious thing in their lives and that an occasional failure in rearly always a good thing. It will te a fortunate thing to remember that he who dances must occasionaly pay the price" On my wedding night we were at the Casa De Vallejo Hotel in Vallejo California. On that night my wife spred her legs for me that first time and we began to love as only a married couple should, with love and passion. That first time was akward and quick compared to later as we became experienced. Those first three months before I impregnated my wife were a beautiful time and then the babies began to arrive. After the birth of our son, Terry, a series of birthcontrol failures gave us four more in our family. Condoms break, Douches don't work and Jelly, well forget it. Dr. Fishbine was right, babys happened!!! Today my message to all the young people reading these letters and just starting their sex lives I say " Enjoy but be careful, Condoms are much better than when I got married so if your not married USE A CONDOM if your on your honeymoon just ENJOY" You have control today, I didn't.