Well, my first time was not a pleasant one. It happened about a month ago in a small beach town about an hour away from where I live. My 3 friends and 3 guys decided to take a road trip and bring some alcohol. We got to the beach and had a hard time drinking our stash because there were too many people and some police cruising around. We found a secluded spot on a sand dune, lit a bonfire and started chugging. I was feeling sick that whole day, so I had not eaten lunch and taken about 4 advils. You can imagine that I was pretty messed up. I had downed about a fifth of vodka all by myself, and was feeling pretty sleepy. This one guy ( who was really ugly) started hitting on me, and even though I was really tanked, I still had enough common sense to ignore him. Well, all at once the alcohol hit me and he tried to kiss me and I kept telling him to get away. The rest of the night is pretty much a blur except that I somehow got into the backseat of his car and we were making out. Then I felt him fingering me and it hurt, but in a good way. He asked me if I wanted to suck his dick and I said sure. Then I remember him telling me I was doing a good job and not to use my teeth ( I don't know why he said that. Maybe I was biting him......) He then asked me if I wanted to have sex, and I said sure. He put on a condom and told me to take off my pants. I really don't remember getting on top of him, but then I was and it hurt (but good) again. I was giving him this huge hickey the whole time too. Then my friends and the two guys came and knocked on the car. He basically threw me off of him and told me to get dressed. He drove us home and then I passed out on my friends couch. I bleed really bad and had to lie my ass off to my mom. I give this kid such a huge hickey that it looked like someone kicked his ass. He said it really hurt and I was sucking so hard it was stinging. I have avoided this kid since and he is going to boot camp in August. The moral of my story is don't drink on an empty stomach after taking 4 advils. THE END.