The WINE Party Traci looked over the ad one more time. “Girls, you are invited to a WINE Party (Women In Need of Entertainment). Spend an afternoon without kids or men. We will meet regularly during the summer. Work on your tan…or each other. Bring nothing more than an open mind. The first party will be Friday, May 2. E-mail me for further details. Please include a photo.” Traci frowned. She knew the photo thing would cause some problems and probably greatly reduce the number of responses. “Hey. It’s my party and I’ll invite whomever I want,” she told herself. There just had to be women out there tired of the normal dating scene, not to mention all the frustrated married girls looking to release some pent up sexual tension. The first couple parties should “weed out” the ones not really into it. That should leave some very interesting participants, as Traci saw it. The organizer was a 24-year-old single girl with equal affection for men and women. Her shoulder length dark blonde hair highlighted gray eyes and a wide, thin mouth. Plenty of exercise kept her figure in decent shape and Traci was particularly proud of her hips and ass. The idea of weekly girl get-togethers had been in her head all winter. She convinced herself she’d give it a try once decent weather arrived. Perhaps a dozen responses would lead to five or six “regulars” that could meet throughout the summer. Perhaps. She hit the submit button. Now it was up to Yahoo Personals and luck. Traci leaned back in her chair and stared blankly at the monitor. Her mind was back in San Francisco, two weeks ago, in the hotel’s health club. She was alone in the sauna when a striking woman in her thirties entered, wearing a white bathrobe. The woman removed it to reveal a sleek one-piece swimsuit that hugged her luscious body. The women exchanged smiles and “hellos” and small talk about the city. Traci felt inferior in all respects; the woman’s perfectly cut short blonde hair was superbly streaked, her breasts were full, her legs long and shapely. When the woman stretched out on the sauna’s bench it took all of Traci’s self-control not to jump on top of her. Traci looked at the breasts rising from the woman’s chest and could practically taste the erect nipples. They saw each other later that night in the lounge. The woman gave Traci several wistful glances when her companion was not looking. Traci countered by lifting her skirt a few inches on her crossed legs. In return, the woman offered a knowing smile. Ever since, Traci had increasingly wanted to get together with new female friends with opportunities to complete the connection. She held out little hope of finding anyone as attractive as the woman in San Francisco, but who was to say the Midwest didn’t offer similar treats. The following morning, Traci anxiously logged into her e-mail account and was pleased to see five new messages. She opened the two without attachments first, assuming they could be trashed quickly. Both asked basically the same question: What’s more important—A person’s physical appearance or their inner beauty? Traci laughed to herself as she deleted the messages. “You’re not invited,” she mumbled. She clicked on the message from judy3172, wondering if the girl was 31 and born in 1972 or born on March 1, 1972. Traci decided she wasted too much of her time worrying about such stuff. Two paragraphs of text sat on top of a picture, of which Traci could only see the top edge. Before reading the text, she scrolled down the page. “Whoa. Very nice,” she said out loud. A thin brunette stood next to a fireplace, wearing a sleeveless shirt that was opened revealingly at the top. Faded jeans clung tightly to her hips and legs. The woman’s eyes penetrated Traci in an uncanny way. She worked her way back up to the text and read a description of an unhappily married 31-year-old looking for new friends. The woman assured Traci she had never done anything like this before, but was “willing to try anything.” “You’re invited,” Traci said. “We’ll teach you everything you need to know.” She made a mental note that judy3172 probably would not be bringing her own toy. The second message also met with Traci’s approval. Apparently imyours_6969 had a thing about young blondes, especially ones tied to beds. The woman herself was a blonde of about 35, give or take a couple years. While not petite, something about her allowed Traci to put her in the “sexy” category. The third e-mail immediately got tossed when a 200 plus pound mother of five, shown in lingerie straight from the Sears catalog, expressed her desire to be spanked. “Not in MY house,” Traci said in unison with a click of her mouse. So she had two takers already. Things were looking up. She looked once more at judy3172’s picture and sighed. “She’ll never get up the nerve.” Within three days, she had five more potential invitees. They included three additional mid-thirties married moms, a late-twenties babe who claimed to have friends too insecure to respond and a girl around Traci’s age with a body to die for. Traci’s reply to the chosen seven was carefully worded to indicate that the first party would be a “meet and greet”, low on pressure and high on refreshments. She included a picture of herself along with the provision that it would be understood if anyone now wanted to back out. Directions were provided and everyone was invited to gather the following Friday. That day came quickly and Traci found herself hustling through the grocery store in the morning getting last minute snacks. She hurried home, showered and pulled on jeans and a cotton shirt with a plunging neckline that showed generous cleavage. Noon arrived—the designated “start” time—and she sat nervously at the kitchen table nibbling on a carrot. At 12:15 the doorbell rang. Traci took a deep breath and headed down the hallway. Outside, a pretty girl nervously played with a button on her blouse. The door opened and cheery greetings were offered. Pam introduced herself and Traci led the way to the living room. Traci recognized her as the one with the hesitant friends. She thought to herself that if the friends were as cute as Pam, they would be more than welcome. The woman was shorter than Traci, with light brown hair and appealing dark eyes. They had chatted for only a moment when the doorbell rang once more. Within the next half hour, six guests had arrived and were congregated in the tiny living room. With all available seats taken, Traci and Judy ended up on the floor. Traci was, indeed, glad she had lost the bet with herself about the likelihood of Judy’s arrival. The woman was every bit as attractive as her picture and just as shy in person as she had seemed in her e-mail. The more self-assured imyours_6969 was a woman named Kim who, as expected, dominated most of the conversation. By now, that conversation was more relaxed as refreshments were passed around the room, including wine. There were individual exchanges between pairs of guests as well as an uncoordinated general room discussion. All in all, Traci was pleased with the opening moments of her party. When she sensed a lull in the conversations, she stood in the center of the room. “I want to thank everyone for showing up. I know it must have been scary to come to a strange place to meet people you didn’t know, but hopefully each time you come will be a little easier,” Traci said. “And I do plan on making this a regular thing during the summer, if you all are comfortable with each other.” Traci saw smiles and a few heads nodding among her guests. “Here’s what I’d like to do,” she continued. The room quieted noticeably. “You can just sit and chat if you want. The back porch is private and you can safely work on your tan out there without fear of being spied on. Every room in the house is available to you.” Traci paused, choosing words carefully. “I would hope that you take this opportunity to explore the possibilities. Enjoy each other.” You could hear a pin drop and the faces in the room wore much more serious expressions than a moment ago. “I don’t have a huge collection of toys, but what I have are on the bed in the room down this hall.” Traci pointed to her left. “I encourage you to bring your favorites next time if you have them.” A rustling behind Traci broke the stillness in the room. Then laughter caused her to turn, only to see Kim holding up a large, skin colored dildo above her open purse. “You may want to consult Kim. She appears to be the expert in this area,” Traci said to more laughter and shouts. “I want this to be fun,” Traci continued. “A chance for you to relax and get away from things and discover new…treats.” Traci sat back down on the floor next to Judy to loud words of approval and more laughter. Kim’s toy was passed around the room for inspection before Jill, one of the thirty something moms, asked if anybody wanted to join her in checking out Traci’s collection. The bulk of the women started down the hall, leaving Traci and Judy to themselves. “Well, I think I’m going to sit on the porch,” Traci said. “Want to join me?” “Sure,” Judy said enthusiastically. More and more, Traci was eyeing Judy as a “project.” It was her goal now to get the woman out of her shell. Years of wedded agony had taken their toll and Traci wondered if there was a vibrant young woman inside trying to get out. Besides, Traci had always been attracted to shy girls. They walked through the sliding glass door and out onto the porch. Two reclining lounge chairs were on either side of the door. The women pulled them away from the side of the house and turned them so they faced the sun. Traci laid her head back and felt the warm sun begin to surround her. She looked over at Judy, who was surveying the small back yard with its high privacy fence and one lone shade tree. “It’s not much,” Traci said, “but it’s cheap and quiet.” “I think it’s great. Our place is not secluded at all,” Judy replied. She waited, then added, “Not that I have any time to worry about it.” They talked about Judy’s job, but Traci could tell her new friend didn’t want to talk about her home life that much. Each time her husband was mentioned, she quickly moved on to a new topic. After a short while Traci asked, “Do you mind if I take my shirt off? I really need to start on a tan.” “No. Not at all,” Judy said quickly. Not only did she expect her hostess to do what she pleased, but Judy also was anxious to see more of the young girl’s body. She was not disappointed as the shirt was raised over Traci’s head, revealing a pair of full breasts with small, soft nipples. Traci leaned back against the chair and let her breasts take in the sun. She closed her eyes. Sounds of voices could be heard inside the house, accompanied by the occasional shriek of laughter. Traci was getting more comfortable as the afternoon wore on. A moment later she heard the scraping sound other chair’s legs on the porch. She looked over and saw Judy taking off her own shirt. A small white bra was unhooked in the back and slipped off her arms. Traci smiled as Judy’s breasts were exposed. She watched the woman run her fingers across them, then lean back and close her eyes. At first, Judy laid her hands on her bare stomach. Then lowered them to her side. Progress, Traci thought to herself. Inside the house, Kim was leading a discussion on the pros and cons of battery-operated toys. One of Traci’s vibrators, a ribbed version with an exceeding large tip, was voted the “most likely to please.” However, no one had taken it upon herself to actually put it to the test. It came as no surprise when Kim decided to unbutton her blouse far enough down to allow her hand and the vibrator to reach inside and slide across her bra-covered nipple. Cheers rang out as she gave an approving moan. “C’mon, Kim. Give it the real test,” urged Pam. The room was soon filled with similar demands. With a wide smile, Kim turned off the vibrator and put it on the bed. Within seconds, her blouse was removed, followed quickly by her jeans. Just as she reached to unhook her bra, Kim stopped. “If I do this, I don’t expect to be the only one. I better see some naked women pretty soon,” she said sternly. “Yeah, yeah. Hurry up,” Pam said, apparently on behalf of the group. Kim’s bra fell to the floor and all eyes seemed glued to the woman’s delicious breasts. They were certainly large, but not obscenely so, and anybody in the room who had not, yet, enjoyed a woman’s breasts were undoubtedly tempted to make these the first. Kim didn’t stop there. Without hesitation, she pulled off her panties. Immediately, she hopped on the bed, pushing the toys aside except for Traci’s vibrator, which she promptly turned back on. The room was quiet enough for everyone to hear the dull hum of the toy. They watched intently as the vibrator slid between Kim’s breasts, then over each one deliberately. The nipples became more erect with each pass, until they stood out and glowed a dark pink. As Kim moved the vibrator lower on her body, it was unlikely that a dry pair of panties existed in the room. By the time her hand dipped between her legs, the other women were shuffling to get a clear view. Kim maneuvered the vibrator so that it rested on her clit. Slowly, her legs spread wider. All eyes were on the thin strip of hair covering Kim’s pussy. The vibrator was inching down, then up again. Kim repeated this several times, a little faster each time. Finally, she let it rest once more on the clit. At this point, the relative silence of the room was somewhat broken by the sound of Laura, a tall blonde who appeared to be in her early thirties, starting to undress. If the other girls had the same urge, they weren’t ready to act upon it. Kim, however, was doing her best to drive them to it. She moved the vibrator until it sat at the entrance to her cunt. The tip disappeared with a flip of her wrist. She mumbled something before inserting another inch of the toy. Laura was naked except for her panties, and she quickly lost them. Pam couldn’t take her eyes off the small, round ass atop the woman’s long legs. She wanted desperately to hold it in her hands and feel the soft skin. She told herself she wouldn’t leave without doing that at least once. Traci stretched out nearly flat on her lounge chair. The early afternoon sun bore down on her with greater intensity and she quietly unbuttoned her jeans. She pulled down the zipper and pushed the jeans down her legs, eventually yanking them off before pulling her black panties up so they fit snugly around her waist. She caught Judy taking a fleeting look and they both smiled. Judy also unzipped her jeans and pulled down the flap, just enough to allow Traci a glimpse of her black panties. Traci laughed. “You have good taste. Let me see.” Judy slipped off her jeans. Her panties may not have been as small as Traci’s, but neither woman seemed to care. Traci was now immersed even more than before in the woman’s body. Judy’s flat stomach and sleek hips seemed to beg for Traci’s attention. They wouldn’t have to wait long. Traci slid off her chair and walked across the porch. She knelt down next to Judy’s chair and placed a hand on the woman’s stomach. Traci knew she’d have to be careful with the shy, insecure guest. Too much too fast at this point might scare her off. The right touch may keep her coming back for more. Traci’s hand moved up until it covered Judy’s breast. She looked at the woman and got an uncertain smile in return. Judy was nervous…she could tell. But Traci got no indication to stop. So she touched the small nipple and rolled it between her fingers. Judy’s face now showed a new expression—one of excitement and anticipation. Traci kneaded the breast softly before moving her hand across to the other one. Leaning over the woman’s body, Traci lowered her head until her lips touched Judy’s nipple. The nipple felt warm from the sun. Or was it Judy’s own body making the heat? Traci’s tongue flicked across it and Judy closed her eyes. In the bedroom, Laura’s mouth was firmly planted on Kim’s breast. Laura sucked feverishly as Kim inserted the vibrator deep inside herself. Pam and her fellow onlooker watched with growing desire. A minute later, Laura was on the bed lying at Kim’s side, continuing to lick and suck on her breasts. Kim’s moans grew in intensity until her hips shook and her orgasm began. Now playing with her own clit while sliding the vibrator in and out, Kim arched her back off the bed and lost herself in bliss. Pam watched as Laura seemed to devour first one breast, then the other. The sound of the vibrator was lost among Kim’s moans and Laura’s urgings. Pam wondered if anyone else in the room had the same desire to strip and play with herself until they came. The scene on the bed was more erotic than anything she had ever seen on film or on TV. When Kim’s orgasm subsided, she let Laura rest on her boobs. She turned off the vibrator and tried to catch her breath. Then she looked at the young woman next to Pam, the one Traci thought had the best body of all the invitees. Her name was Jill and Kim asked her to retrieve the long, cloth belt from Kim’s jeans. Jill pulled it free from the belt loops and handed it to Kim, who unhurriedly tied one end around Laura’s right wrist. Kim then wrapped the belt around one wooden post in the headboard and tied the other end to Laura’s left wrist. Pam and Jill felt shivers of anticipation flow through their body when Kim said, “C’mon girls. Time to get naked and have some fun.” On the porch, Traci’s hand was inside Judy’s panties. The fingers felt the soft tuft of hair above the clit, then the protruding skin itself. Farther down, Traci’s fingers followed the folds of skin between Judy’s legs until reaching the dampness of her vagina. Traci had her mouth around a good portion of Judy’s breast, sucking and licking contently. But she wanted to taste more of the woman now writhing under her touch. The young woman moved down and used both hands to lower Judy’s panties. There was no resistance. Instead, Judy raised her hips and allowed Traci to pull the panties down her thighs more easily. Traci admired the smooth skin and well-toned legs as the panties were taken off. Traci stood at the foot of the reclining lounge chair and took in the other woman’s naked body. She held her legs together now, knees slightly raised and tilted to one side. A sign of apprehension, Traci thought to herself. There’s still some doubt. “You have a beautiful body,” Traci said softly. She ran her fingers up and down Judy’s shins. Judy only smiled at first. Then almost in a whisper, said, “Thank you. You do, too.” Traci’s hands moved up. Now they massaged the back of Judy’s thighs and knees. When they shifted to the tops of her legs, she slowly separated them. Judy was scared, slightly embarrassed and extremely horny. If she was going to have her first encounter with a female, she wanted it to be like this. With a girl like Traci. “Just relax,” she heard Traci say. Yeah, right. Finally, Judy’s legs were spread and Traci was moving between them. Instinctively, they fell onto Traci’s shoulders as the girl’s head found it’s way to Judy’s pussy. The first touch of Traci’s tongue on the entrance to her vagina nearly caused Judy to roll off the chair. When the tongue entered her and licked at the top of her cunt, she closed her legs tightly around the girl’s head. Realizing what she was doing, she relaxed and loosened her grip. Traci never noticed. Pam and Jill were naked within seconds of Kim’s command. Kim could feel her horniness return quickly at the sight of the two good-looking women. But she would watch them first before considering a second orgasm of her own. “I believe Laura needs some attention and, well, can’t do much about it herself,” Kim said. “Let’s see if you can make her cum.” Pam and Jill needed no further instructions. They climbed on the bed quickly and took positions on opposite sides of the bound, prone victim. They each took a breast in their hand and seemed on the verge of consuming Laura’s chest. The sensation she felt of two women sucking her nipples simultaneously had never been matched by the best of her other lovers. Her blonde hair fell wildly on the pillow as her head swung back and forth in pleasure. Laura felt a hand pass over her pussy, then back up again until the fingers were playing with her engorged clit. Soon, another hand was clutching at her cunt and fingers were being inserted into her. Before long, the variety of feelings was overwhelming and they all seemed to blend into one magnificent awareness. It didn’t take long for an orgasm to build beyond control. Laura struggled against the belt, pulling until the headboard rattled. She cried out as the orgasm started. Pam and Jill increased their efforts, trying the stay in touch with the bucking body under them. Two hands fought for room between Laura’s legs, covering the entire length of her pussy. One continued to fuck her with fingers while the other massaged her clit. Pam bit Laura’s nipple and Laura let out a shriek of approval. She was almost done with her first orgasm when she felt an object entering her cunt. Jill had grabbed a silver dildo and was inserting it hard and deep. Quick strokes increased in number until a second orgasm, or perhaps a continuation of the first, overcame Laura. This time Pam was kissing her and the sound of Laura’s scream was muffled. Their tongues met wildly in their mouths as she climaxed. Laura wanted to pull the woman’s head closer, but Pam made that unnecessary. They clamped their lips together and bit softly through the rapture Laura was enduring. Eventually, her body went limp. Judy’s eyes and fists were closed. She felt Traci’s tongue, then lips, wrap around her clit. She was going to cum—harder than ever before. Yet, she didn’t want to. She wanted to enjoy what Traci was doing for the rest of the day. It was too late. Her body shook as the orgasm spread from deep inside her. She thought she heard her own voice telling Traci she was cumming, and not to stop. Judy felt hands on her ass lifting her off the chair. Then the trembling of her body made all other thought impossible. She pushed her body into Traci’s mouth and tried to fuck the tongue lapping at her pussy. She felt Traci’s mouth move from her clit to her cunt and back again. Her breasts shook wildly and beads of perspiration formed on her brow. Minutes, hours seemed to pass before the orgasm subsided. Nonetheless, Traci continued her assault on the woman’s body. She slid up and put a breast in her mouth, causing Judy’s already sensitive nipple to nearly explode with delight. Then Traci was on top of Judy, kissing her passionately, their arms around each other’s neck. Their bodies grinded together in an attempt to squeeze the last of the orgasm out of Judy. Traci kissed Judy’s face, tasting the salty remnants of sweat. She pushed the woman’s hair away and looked into her beautiful eyes. “We really should check in on the others,” Traci said. “Please tell me they are in the bedroom,” Judy responded. Traci laughed. “If they aren’t, we’ll invite them.” She rolled off and stood next to the chair. She extended a hand and helped her new friend to her feet. With arms around each other, they walked into the house. The party was about to begin.