Lady Grey: the dance mf Pity. He's a tall, distinguished fellow, with beautiful but cold eyes. Too bad that he seems to always be chatting with the girl in the oh-so-typical black velvet dress. Or more accurately, too bad that she seems to always be chatting *at* him. I sighed and renewed interest in my champagne. "Would you like to dance?" I look up -- it's him. Ah, I see. Doing his duty as host. Give him points for politeness, at least. He's looking at me, but not seeing me; his mind seems to be miles away. Well, let's see if I can change that. "Thank you. I would love to dance." He leads me out to the dance floor as the band struck up a slow swing. Hm. Boring. He's a good dancer, with a natural grace on the dance floor that leave many men looking as if they have two left feet. I wonder how he'd be in bed... would he be a gentle or forceful lover? Yet he's so remote. If I could only get him to at least look at me -- really look at me. I wait until the next dance begins, then move closer to him. Close enough to let our thighs touch and move together. His grip tightens imperceptibly around my waist. Ah, so the ice man can be melted, hm? I could feel the incredible warmth of his thighs moving with mine... my head is on his chest and I move my hips against him slowly, touching him with my lower body, letting myself linger against his body before moving ever so slightly away, and then pushing myself back up against him more firmly. My breasts are pushed against his chest, and his hard body is causing all my nerves to sing with desire. At last, I feel his arousal against my body, betraying the tight control that he is keeping over his expressions, though I do see a slight flush to his cheeks. Move away, then rub against him... then move away again, teasing him throughout the dance. I see the lady in black velvet out of the corner of my eye. She looks rather peeved. Heh. I look up at him; he is looking down at me with those incredible eyes, only they are not remote anymore. How can eyes that were so remote now hold so much fire? He is dancing us out of the main room now, into the dark hallway, now taking me into a around the corner... his hands suddenly all over my body and his mouth taking possession of mine. I smile inwardly to myself.