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How often am I charged?
Your account will be charged every thirty days from the day of the month you originally subscribed. For example, if your account was activated on October 15th, your credit card will be automatically charged again on November 15th.
If you tell us you want to cancel before that time, we will not renew your account in 30 days. Instead your account will expire on that date. For example, if you were activated on October 15th and we receive your cancellation on October 30th, your account will expire on November 15th.
How will this charge appear on my credit card statement?
Your credit card statement will be discreetly billed by either
To cancel your account click here.
We will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have regarding your account. There are several ways to contact us:
Email: Click Here
FAQ CLick Here
(M-F 7:00am 7:00pm PST)
(Sat-Sun 8:00am 4:00pm PST)
888-932-2772 (within U.S.)
818-597-3280 (outside U.S.)
818-889-8075 FAX

U.S. Postal Service:
Jettis Support Center
P.O. Box 8727
Calabasas, Ca. 91372
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